Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tickets to Auckland

This week end my mum and uncle brought some tickets for my Grandmother and Grandfather to come here. They really just want to see my cousin because they have not talked each other face to face in five years!!! They must really miss each other. My granddad didn’t want to come with my grandmother because he was worried about the house but my grandmother but she might miss her flight, she almost did the last time she went out of the Philippines but good thing my granddad was there. Come to think of it, it is her first timeout of the country by her self. So he had no choice he had to come with her firstly because we begged him to and secondly he was worried about my grandmother. It is so exiting.

This morning we talked about where would we take them? First we said Waihiki island but its winter its going to be really cold at the beach. Then we all said in the same time “Rotorua.” It’s perfect sins its winter we can go to mt.Ruapehu. “Can not wait.”

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